Save time and be more effective. Plan your content production in advance to fulfill your digital strategy. With an editorial calendar, you can plan your blog posts, and your social media content, weeks or months in advance. You will get a better picture of what you need to do in the coming
Why is Shared Experiences the New Marketing
More people start their buying process with a google on their smartphone or surf tablet. They ask their social networks online about their experiences and recommendations before they make a buying decision. 8 out of 10 get their information digitally, using social media to filter and customize
Experiences is the New Marketing
More people start their buying process with a google search on their smartphone or surf tablet. They ask their social networks online about their experiences and recommendations before they make a buying decision. They don't believe ads - they believe their peers and trusted influencers. That means
What is the Inbound Marketing Principles?
The inbound marketing methodology empowers businesses to attract visitors, convert leads, close customers, and keep them delighted and engaged with your business. However, mastering the art of inbound marketing takes a lot of work. Attract with Keyword Targeting, Your Blog, Social Media. Developing
Sagt om boken Social Affärsutveckling i Nätverksekonomin
Birgitta Edberg är grundare av Thinking Media och har arbetat med digital närvaro sedan 1995. Hon är utbildad företagsekonom, beteendevetare, journalist och som omvärldsbevakare har hon skrivit boken Social Affärsutveckling i Nätverksekonomin (Liber Affärsböcker 2013). Går att hitta på
Marketing is dead as we know it
The Holy Grail in the Social Network Economy General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, meets individuals lack of trust for digital services and an effect of the evolving Internet of Things. The movement from physical business to e-commerce has led to a lot of un ethical merchandises of personal