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Thinking Media helps companies to Create Business Value in the Digital Age.
Birgitta Edberg is a market strategist and creative business developer with an extensive experience in management, brand-and-concept development and customer service on the web. Specialized in technology's impact on consumer behavior, market logic and business development.
Author of the book: Social Nätverksekonomin i Nätverksekonomin at Liber Affärsböcker. Read the what have been said about the book.
Birgitta has worked with change strategies for digital presence since 1995 with companies and public sector. Educated in journalism, business economics and behavioral science.
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List of Useful AI Tools for Creative Professionals
Generative AI tools have dramatically changed the world of creative content in terms of speed, scale, and cost. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney have enabled creative professionals to increase their scale of production, experiment more imaginative content and speed up content creation. AI design tools are intended to enhance creativity and increase productivity. […]